Yes, I got to go to the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair yesterday and had a great time!! The weather couldn't have been more beautiful (sunny and 78 degrees!) and the location was perfect. They had 5 large tents set up FULL of vendors with amazing yarns; fibers; spinning wheels etc.. There was another area set up with tents that had workshops going on all day; a food court area and then several areas where they had musicians playing and chairs set up if you just wanted to sit and enjoy the music (and knit!)

As I said, yarns were everywhere! In all colors; all weights and available just to fondle to your hearts content! I set a budget, however, and only brought as much cash as I wanted to spend. Good thing. I could have done some serious damage!!!

I had my first spotting of the new Harry Potter book! Some young girl who normally would have probably HATED having to go with her mom to this, was happily absorbed in her book.
Kirstin and Ryan have both bought the book. I can't wait to get my hands on one of their copies. In the meantime, I'm going to read book 6 to get ready. Any of you read the new book yet???
(My real hope is that someone would read it TO me so I could knit and listen!!)

At one of the vendors, they had a place set up where you could learn how to make felted soap bars. I've wanted to know how to do this. They are just so fun. I think I have seen
Arleta show these on her blog from time to time. I did buy a bag of multi-colored roving to try a few bars for gifts.

Other purchases. Yes, there were others. My first 'find' was this wool that is similar to Galway wool and will make some fun felted bags to sell for Luba. (And the price was so reasonable!) If it felts well, I have this vendors card and can order more.
The pink I am going to cast on today and make the cutest little purse with beads on it that I saw
here. The rest will be added to my future bag stash.

I kept my eye out for sock yarns as well. (Specifically for ones that maybe Sheri doesn't carry..) The first that grabbed my eye was this Gypsy Girl Creations by Stone Barn Fibers in Blackberry Bramble. It is gorgeous. (And, it turns out, Sheri DOES carry this! Yeah!) It looks like great yarn to knit with.

And I HAD to have a skein of 'Socks That Rock'. I keep hearing so much about it. So I grabbed two skeins in the colorway Minestone. (One for me; one for a friend.)

Speaking of Socks that Rock or Socks
on Rocks, here is my first sock using the Cider Moon Glacier. It's a little snug (I probably should have used more stitches) but it feels wonderful. I must cast on the second sock. I must cast on the second sock. I must.... (Trying to avoid SSS*, which would be easy to succumb to with all the yummy sock yarn that now is in my stash!)
(On a funny note, Steve picked up this sock and said "Wow this looks like a REAL SOCK". There was much amazement in his voice. I wonder what kind of socks he
thought I was knitting???)

I am most excited, however, about my finished Circle Tote. Yippee!! One is done! This yarn (Ella Rae Classic) felted amazingly well. A nice firm fabric and I only used one strand of yarn. I'll be using more of this in the future. Now I must cast on the back to the second tote; I must cast on the back to the second tote; I must.... (Trying to avoid SSS**... hmmm, I see a pattern here!)

Until Next Time...
*SSS - Second Sock Syndrome
**SSS - Second Side Syndrome