A cold front has come through and it is deliciously cool here this morning. I think that I will do a little cleaning and start some laundry and then sit on the deck for a bit and knit. I really hope to finish the second sock of this Fluted Banister pattern. I am a little concerned about the pooling of colors that has started on the end of this cuff. (The other sock pretty much striped itself the whole time). Will this look ok? Is this a common occurence? Will they still match? (You can click on the photo for a closer view.) I only have 4 more rounds of patten and the rib and it will be finished! Pretty exciting! I can't wait to start my next pair!

I've also been working on my Circle Tote and have both sides completed. The second side was definitely easier, but is still extremely time consuming. So this is what I have decided to do.

I am going to knit 2 fairly plain backs (with one small circle) and end up with two totes! Why have both sides be full of circles???) I hope to have them ready to felt next week. We shall see. I still have to purl every other row.....

Kirstin has also been knitting. She has decided to whip up some fun dishcloths for her dorm next year. (She'll be living in a suite and doing most of her own cooking.) I told her how much fun the Ballband dishcloths are from the Mason Dixon Book and here is what she has done so far. Aren't they fun?
Kirstin went to the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie. She woke me when she came home (I asked her to!) and told me it was the best one yet. I'd like to see it, but at a more civilized hour!! Speaking of movies, if you haven't yet seen Miss Potter, I HIGHLY recommend it. It is the true story of Beatrix Potter and it is very well done and wonderful for the whole family. It is available now to rent. But if you like to have a library of good films, I would say just buy it!
Sumo is also enjoying the cool weather. He loves to spend the day on his bed on the front porch. He keeps me posted of any visitors or passing squirrels; rabbits and such. (In his younger days he would actually chase the squirrels and rabbits, but now he pretty much just barks at them from the comfort of his bed!)
I love days that the dogs spend outside because it lessens the dog hair in the house. A win-win for all of us.
Until Next Time...

I've also been working on my Circle Tote and have both sides completed. The second side was definitely easier, but is still extremely time consuming. So this is what I have decided to do.

I am going to knit 2 fairly plain backs (with one small circle) and end up with two totes! Why have both sides be full of circles???) I hope to have them ready to felt next week. We shall see. I still have to purl every other row.....

Kirstin has also been knitting. She has decided to whip up some fun dishcloths for her dorm next year. (She'll be living in a suite and doing most of her own cooking.) I told her how much fun the Ballband dishcloths are from the Mason Dixon Book and here is what she has done so far. Aren't they fun?
Kirstin went to the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie. She woke me when she came home (I asked her to!) and told me it was the best one yet. I'd like to see it, but at a more civilized hour!! Speaking of movies, if you haven't yet seen Miss Potter, I HIGHLY recommend it. It is the true story of Beatrix Potter and it is very well done and wonderful for the whole family. It is available now to rent. But if you like to have a library of good films, I would say just buy it!

I love days that the dogs spend outside because it lessens the dog hair in the house. A win-win for all of us.
Until Next Time...
Isn't the change in the weather wonderful!!!
I don't know how to solve pooling in socks, but I read a lot of complaints about it on blogs. I don't think yours is extreme or looks bad at all. I like the looks of that sock pattern.
That is such a great idea with that circle tote! Those turned out so nice, they are going to look great felted.
Kristin's dishcloths are great! I love that pattern. Love it!
I have Miss Potter is my Netflix queue but now I am tempted to just buy it. Movies like that are so rare.
Sounds like Sumo has a dogs life!!
I am INSANELY JEALOUS that Kirstin has seen Harry Potter already. I think we will go next week.
We are having a cool spell to and I am thrilled. Your socks look great, not sure what to suggest about the colours.
Your tote is so fun and so our the dishcloths. Good knitting going on over there!!
Yay that you are almost finished your socks!!! I think what I might do for mine is rip back to the leg and maybe make it a tad bit shorter, and make them in my size...hopefully that will help with the yarn situation. I've started a different pair of socks for my Sockapalooza pal (different pattern, different yarn) and I think these are working out...and I know I have enough yarn for these ones...just hoping they fit her, lol.
We haven't had all that great of summer weather so far. We've had a lot of rain, cool, cloudy/overcast days. We've had some really nice weather too, but just seems that the rainy days are predominant so far.
Kirstin's dishcloths look fabulous - love the colours she chose!
Your socks look great! Don't worry about the pooling - sometimes yarns take on a bit of personality of their own and take things off in a different direction. If the pool gets really big, sometimes I cut the yarn and continue it in a new spot. But then you have the ends to deal with and such. Might as well make up your mind that you're ok with pooling, instead. :-)
Ok, I couldn't stand it! I had to make an amazon order anyway, and my Netflix queue says "very long wait" for "Miss Potter", so I went ahead and added it to my amazon order!
Tell Kristin I love her ballbands! We're hoping to see Harry this weekend. It's playing on about 10 screens and still it's packed! I also love, love, love your wobbly circles!
Those socks look great Janice. I like the pooling it makes them unique and no one else will have a pair like them. Tell Kirstin that the dishcloths look great. I love those for instant gratification knitting.
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